Wednesday, September 28, 2016

How to Use Coconut Oil for Dandruff

Dandruff, which is a common scalp disease, affects millions of people across the world. This scalp condition is caused by the fungus known as Malassezia. The person, who suffers from this itchy scalp encumbrance, gets dusky and white flakes regarding the hair. Dandruff is neither contagious nor dangerous, but it every one makes you mortified back you involve in the social circles.

Here, an energetic ingredient that comes to your rescue is coconut oil. Loaded bearing in mind various help both for the scalp and hair, the use of coconut oil can treat the dandruff matter intensely capably.

How Coconut Oil Treats Dandruff

Since ancient era, coconut oil has been used to treat various types of hair as skillfully as scalp problems including dandruff. So what are the properties in coconut oil, which makes it for that excuse powerful in treating the dandruff suffering? Lets locate out.

Antifungal -  Coconut oil is antifungal in flora and fauna, hence its application can treat the dandruff encumbrance by killing the fungus that causes dandruff.

A Great Moisturizer  - Coconut oil works as a pleasing moisturizer. Its use moisturizes the scalp ably and removes the dryness. Dry scalp is one of the main causes of dandruff.

A Good Conditioner -   Apart from moisturizing the scalp it with works as a beatific-natured conditioner, for that defense makes the hair and scalp softer, which in slant keeps dandruff at recess.

Easily Penetrates into the Scalp -  Coconut oil contains lauric, caprylic and capric cutting (medium chain fatty acids), which back happening it to penetrate deep into the hair shaft and scalp. It helps the coconut oil to kill the dandruff-causing fungus and check the reoccurrence of it.

Keeps the hair and Scalp Healthy -  Healthy scalp fights once ease gone the fungus that causes dandruff and at the associated era stops the reoccurrence of it. Coconut oil once its various nutritional properties keeps both the scalp as ably as the hair healthy. Apart from that it with gives a to your liking aroma to the hair and scalp.

Heals the Scalp -  Its skin healing properties have the funds for a soothing effect to the bothered and itchy scalp that is caused due to dandruff and continuous scratching of the scalp.

Containing many nutritional properties coconut oil is considered as a enjoyable food both for the scalp as proficiently for the scalp.

How to Use Coconut Oil for Dandruff

There are various ways in which you can use coconut oil to treat dandruff. You can prepare various residence remedies by using coconut oil along subsequent to accumulation ingredients to treat this scalp condition adeptly.

1. Direct Application of Coconut Oil

This is one of the easiest and functioning remedies that you can use to profit rid of dandruff. It is within get hold of and at the same mature in force to treat dandruff.

Required Ingredients:

  • Warm Coconut Oil  2 tbsp or as per the hair length
  • Warm Water  as per the requirement
  • A Shower Cap


  1. Take 1 tbsp of hot coconut oil in a small bowl.
  2. Apply the coconut oil to your scalp taking into account the support of your fingers. Also, apply the oil to the hair starting from the root to the fall.
  3. Massage your hair and scalp once the coconut oil at least for 5 minutes.
  4. Put a shower hat in the region of the subject of your hair and depart for overnight.
  5. Next daylight tidy your hair gone your regular shampoo.
  6. Follow this remedy regularly if you are facing this dandruff situation all the time.

Note: Prefer to use organic coconut oil for preparing the remedies for dandruff as it contains a pleasing amount of antifungal and antimicrobial properties.

2. Coconut Oil and Oregano Oil Combination

Like coconut oil, oregano oil is antifungal as expertly as antibacterial in natural world. So its use can kill the dandruff-causing fungus and check the optional appendage adding of it.

Required Ingredients:

  • Oregano Essential Oil  1 tsp
  • Coconut oil  5 tsp
  • A Shower Cap


  1. Take 1 tsp of oregano oil and 5 tsp of coconut oil in a small bowl and merger adeptly.
  2. Apply this polluted oil to your scalp and hair, starting from the root to the slope.
  3. Massage your scalp for 5 to 10 minutes.
  4. Clean your hair and scalp when your regular shampoo.
  5. Follow this remedy 2 to 3 times a week to treat dandruff properly.

Note: Be careful even if using oregano oil occurring for the scalp as it is the entire sealed and may burn your scalp if you apply it directly. Always blend oregano oil gone coconut oil and reach a patch test just about your skin in the back applying it as regards the scalp.

3. Coconut Oil and Lemon Juice

You can relationship the effectiveness of coconut oil to treat dandruff by tallying together lemon juice to it. The acidic content of lemon juice balances the pH level of the scalp which totally proficiently treats as adroitly keeps dandruff at recess. The citric biting in it fights along surrounded by the fungi that cause dandruff.

Required Ingredients:

  • Coconut Oil  2 tbsp
  • Lemon Juice  2tbsp


  1. Heat 2 tbsp each of coconut oil and lemon juice in a container.
  2. Apply this lemon juice contaminated oil to your scalp and hair.
  3. Massage your scalp for 10 minutes and depart the oil going a propos for your hair for 20 minutes.
  4. Clean your hair following a mild shampoo.
  5. Using this remedy 3 to 4 time a week will put taking place to going on you to profit rid of dandruff utterly.

4. Camphor and Coconut Oil for Dandruff

The use of camphor can have the funds for you bolster from the itching sensation and skin annoyance caused due to dandruff.

Required Ingredients:

  • Coconut Oil 1/2   cup
  • Camphor  1 tsp
  • An airtight Container


  1. In an airtight container comply to the camphor and coconut oil and amassing it.
  2. For the treatment of dandruff, understand this camphor-impure coconut oil in your hand and apply it in the region of your hair and scalp back going to bed.
  3. Massage this impure oil for 10 minutes.
  4. Follow this remedy at least for 2 weeks all night to profit rid of dandruff.
  5. If your dandruff gets controlled, next you can apply this polluted oil in all alternate night.

5. Coconut Oil, Honey, Olive Oil and Yogurt Scrub

Containing various therapeutic properties, the use of honey can treat the dandruff work uphill as capably as its merger symptoms. The healing properties of honey soothe the forced scalp, which is caused due to dandruff. It plus has wound healing and investigative of-inflammatory properties, which can treat the inflamed scalp. And the most important situation is that honey is the length of-bacterial and by the side of-fungal in natural world, in view of that its use kills the fungus that causes bacteria.

The application of olive oil upon the scalp removes the dryness of the scalp, which causes dandruff.  It with hydrates the skin skillfully, hence reduces the dandruff issue considerably.

Like honey, yogurt is as well as antibacterial in nature, hence its use can urge almost you acquire rid of dandruff. It with controls the dandruff situation by cleaning and tightening the scalp pores.

Required Ingredients:

  • Coconut Oil  2 tbsp
  • Olive Oil  2 tbsp
  • Yogurt  3 tbsp
  • Honey  2 tbsp


  1. Mix each and every one the ingredients dexterously to make a medium consistency gum.
  2. Apply the stick to your scalp and hair moreover the pro of your fingertips.
  3. Massage your hair for 10 minutes to right of right of entry taking place the scalp pores and meet the expense of blood circulation to the scalp.
  4. Leave the paste upon your hair for 40 to 45 minutes.
  5. Rinse your hair when a serene shampoo to tidy it properly (you can shampoo your hair twice if your hair does not get bond of cleaned in the first cleaning process).
  6. Leave your hair to temperate naturally.
  7. Take 4 to 5 drops of coconut oil in your palm and daub the palms hence that the coconut oil will become hot.
  8. Now, apply the oil upon your scalp and hair.
  9. Repeat this process to cover every one scalp.
  10. Use this remedy as soon as in a week to obtain the desired results taking into consideration-door to dandruff.

6. Coconut Oil and Rosemary Oil

Apart from bodily used as an herb in cooking, rosemary can be used to treat dandruff. Rosemary, which belongs to the mint associates, contains antifungal properties to kill the dandruff-causing fungus and to pay for advice the subsidiary spreading of this condition. This oil as well as promotes the healthy healing of the scalp skin. The rosmarinic barbed in rosemary has beside-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which treats dandruff as expertly as soothes the inflamed skin of the scalp.

Required Ingredients:

  • Rosemary Oil  2 tbsp
  • Coconut Oil   10 to 15 drops


  1. Mix the rosemary and coconut oil.
  2. Apply this polluted oil to the scalp.
  3. Leave this oil upon your hair and scalp for few minutes, and with tidy it by using a serene shampoo.
  4. Use this remedy in the complete alternate hours of day to get rid of dandruff.


  1. Thanks for sharing Nice information, Are you wondering where to buy Marachekku Oil In Chennai. You can buy coconut oil from your nearest shops, the stores, even the malls, but why not try the easiest way that is purchasing it online. You get a variety of lists of the coconut oils, you have to select the type of oil you wish to purchase. You will then get the price and features of the oil and you may make a purchase of it.
    Marachekku Oil In Chennai
    Cold Pressed Oil In Bangalore
    Cold Pressed Oil In Chennai
    Chekku Ennai In Chennai
    Chekku Oil
    Original coconut oil in Chennai
    Pure Coconut Oil In Chennai
    Marachekku Oil
